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ChatGPT discusses the use of photonic crystals in Quantum Computing


ChatGPT discusses the use of photonic crystals in quantum computing


So again, ChatGPT surprised me in a good manner!

It's always a though I had wandering around my head, what would happen if we try to trap light between two mirrors,

Will the state of the photons be preserved for at least some amount of time, by bouncing from mirror to mirror?


The light, as a linear wave, would simply escape or be absorbed out of bounds without any chance of state persistance?

I was thinking about this because I was trying to understand how quantum computing works, and how we can use photons to store information.

That, narrowed down to a nanomolecular level. But then we would need something that transmits photons just in one direction but not otherwise so the state would be preserved inside the optical cavity, like the use of the diode on a traditional logical gate used in electronics, this can be achieved as of my understanding through optical cavities.

The use of photons on a controlled atomic level could preserve a wave instead of a binary state. Then, thanks to calculus, those waves would simply be vectorially pointed to a consequent photonic crystal that would naturally calculate the arithmetic sum of the waves, thus creating a Qubit.

Asking ChatGPT

So, the question I asked to ChatGPT:

Would photonic crystal and quantum computing be useful and innovative for logical gates in quantum computing and memory preservation in a quantum state?


Yes, photonic crystals and other related technologies can be useful and innovative for implementing logical gates and preserving quantum states in quantum computing.

One advantage of using photonic crystals in quantum computing is that they can be used to create high-quality optical cavities, which can trap and manipulate individual photons. This can be useful for implementing qubits, which are the quantum equivalent of classical bits. By using a photonic crystal as an optical cavity, it is possible to create a stable and controllable qubit that can be used for quantum computing.

In addition, photonic crystals can be used to create waveguides and other structures that can be used to manipulate the flow of photons in a controlled manner. This can be useful for implementing logical gates in quantum computing. For example, by using a series of photonic crystal waveguides, it is possible to create a controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate, which is a fundamental building block of many quantum algorithms.

Furthermore, quantum states are notoriously fragile and easily disrupted by environmental factors. Photonic crystals can be used to create environments that are highly stable and protected from external interference, which can be useful for preserving quantum states in memory.

In summary, photonic crystals and related technologies have the potential to be useful and innovative for implementing logical gates and preserving quantum states in quantum computing.

Another interesting thought of state and memory preservation in quantum computing using time crystals being researched by Google:

Question I asked:

How would time crystals be helpful in state and memory preservation at quantum computing?


Time crystals are a relatively new and still experimental area of research in physics, and their potential applications in quantum computing are still being explored. However, there are some possible ways in which time crystals could be helpful in quantum computing.

In a classical computer, information is stored in bits, which can either be 0 or 1. However, in a quantum computer, information is stored in qubits, which can exist in a superposition of both 0 and 1 states. This allows quantum computers to perform certain calculations exponentially faster than classical computers.

One of the challenges in building a quantum computer is maintaining the coherence of the qubits, which can be disrupted by environmental factors such as temperature fluctuations or electromagnetic interference. Time crystals, which are a type of non-equilibrium system, may offer a way to stabilize and protect quantum states in memory.

The idea is that by periodically changing the properties of a time crystal, such as its energy or symmetry, it may be possible to use it as a "quantum clock" that can help synchronize and stabilize the quantum states of qubits. This could potentially help protect quantum states from environmental interference and improve the overall coherence of the quantum system.

Furthermore, time crystals may also offer a way to implement quantum algorithms that involve time-dependent operations, such as the quantum adiabatic algorithm. By using time crystals to control and synchronize the evolution of the qubits


Impact of ChatGPT on Developers

As for how this can impact developers, I think that this can be a great tool for research, with the ability to ask questions and get answers from a model that has been trained on a large amount of data.

Even though the answers are not always perfect, they can still be useful for getting a general idea of a topic or for generating new ideas.

Even in complicated and innovative topics such as quantum computing, ChatGPT can still provide useful insights and ideas that can be used by developers.